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WPW RP Therapeutic Parent-Child Coaching

How it Works​

The WPW RP Approach begins with the belief that you are the most important person in the world to your child and that makes you the very best person to help your child learn to manage difficult feelings, follow directions when you give them, and accept the limits and boundaries set by you.

Learning from you how to manage feelings and follow the guidelines that you set, is what will actually help your child to be happy, successful in school, develop healthy relationships with others, and build self-confidence.

Dr. Messina or another WPW RP coach will work together with you to help you develop your own confidence to teach and coach the rules and values you believe are important.


Your coach will help you to know how to realize the difference between when you need to simply support and listen to mad, sad, or scared feelings, and when you should hold firm to a direction you have given or a limit you have set in order to help your child mature and develop self-control and self-discipline.

The WPW RP Coach will do the following:

LISTEN to your concerns about your child's challenging or worrisome thoughts/feelings/behaviors.
EXPLORE with you all the possible contributing factors that might help to explain and understand the challenging or worrisome thoughts/feelings/behaviors.
IDENTIFY what the probable explanation is through the WPW RP framework, such as temperament imbalance, emotion dysregulation, sensory processing problems, amygdala hijacking, or just being “stuck” in immaturity.
TEACH you the WPW RP strategies such as the 4-Step Emotion Coaching Model and/or the 5-Step Corrective Discipline Strategies and/or the I do it, We do it, You do it Approach.
COACH you through the real moments in which your child needs you to coach and teach emotion management or needs you to set limits/boundaries and follow through with directions and expectations for rule-following.
ENCOURAGE you to recognize that you have the ability to teach your child how to manage difficult feelings, ask for help, develop the willingness to follow your directions, and accept your rules, limits & boundaries so your child can live well and, live well with others.

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